Houston / Ellington, TX, United States (KEFD) 29-36N 095-10W Mar 13, 2025 - 11:54 AM EDT / 2025.03.13 1554 UTC Wind: from the SW (220 degrees) at 9 MPH (8 KT) gusting to 17 MPH (15 KT):0 Visibility: 6 mile(s):0 Sky conditions: clear Weather: haze Temperature: 73 F (23 C) Dew Point: 66 F (19 C) Relative Humidity: 78% Pressure (altimeter): 29.89 in. Hg (1012 hPa) ob: KEFD 131554Z 22008G15KT 6SM HZ CLR 23/19 A2989 cycle: 16